Google Summer Of Code, 2021 - Project Report

Project Insights The project that I have been working on during this GSoC is titled " Add Tests for the VCL graphics backend " and as the name in the title itself suggests this project required adding some tests for efficiently diagnosing the quality of graphics rendering within LibreOffice, however, this project had more to it than that. This project mainly revolved around the VCL module of LibreOffice, and so here's a short description about VCL, the VCL module stands for Visual Class Library and it's one of the most prominent modules of LibreOffice whose function is to manage various visual components be it native widget rendering(like button, scrollbar, etc.), or be it the dialog boxes that are usable in LibreOffice, the code within the VCL library handles everything, all in all, the VCL handles basic graphics rendering within LibreOffice. The most important thing that sparked the need for this project was that sometimes the graphics rendering(which is handled by ...